JSR-311 Java API for REST approved ballot after a Mixed reactions from developers:
JSR proposal http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=311
JCP formed a JSR expert group to publish an API for RESTful services. JSR-311 is in ballot review period in this month (till Feb 26). Software companies like Apache, BEA, Google,JBoss and Sun Microsystems are on the board. Individuals like JeromLouvel (RESTlet framework) and Douge Lea are also on board of it. However, according to others, Roy Fielding whose dissertations documented the REST pattern, seems to be unhappy about Sun using REST as a name.
According to this request, this JSR intends to provide a high level easy to use API for developers to write RESTful web services that would run on top of the Java EE or the Java SE platforms. The JSR would provide API with declarative style of programming using annotations for developers. It would also enable low level access in cases where needed by the application.
Sun's lead on this specification, Marc Hadley, outlined following conceptual model:
@UriTemplate("widgets/{widgetid}") @ConsumeMime("application/widgets+xml") @ProduceMime("application/widgets+xml") public class Widget {
@HttpMethod(GET) public Representation getWidget(@UriParam("widgetid") String id) { String replyStr = getWidgetAsXml(id); return new StringRepresentation(replyStr, "application/widgets+xml"); }
@LastModified public Date getChangeDate(@UriParam("widgetid") String id) { return getLastChanged(id); } }
Interestingly, the JSR furthers states " The specification will define how RESTful services are deployed as JAX-WS (Java API for XML Web Services) endpoints or Servlets." The API will be packaged as javax.ws.rest. I assume there could be WSDL representation of this using HTTP binding type defined in WSDL1.1 where get,put, post etc can be captured as "verb" e.g. http:binding verb="GET
While REST based services may fit into a broader definition of webservices, a SOAP centric RPC styled definition of Webservices is not suitable for RESTful services. Following page compares SOAP and REST. http://rest.blueoxen.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?HowSoapComparesToRest
Anyway, a comment suggesting a direction of using JAX-WS and a reference to "DL based on annotations" has stirred the developers community. Particularly on a background where WS vs REST battle is still not yet completely settled.
W3Consortium has published a presentation on reconciling Webservices and REST. http://www.w3.org/2005/Talks/1115-hh-k-ecows/#(1)
(Unofficial)Develoeprs Polls at http://java.net/pub/pq/146 as of Feb 25th Approve 126 34% Disapprove 67 17% no opinion 99 25% wait and see 95 24% other 7
Update on JSR 2007.04.05: The title of the JSR was changed from 'JavaTM API for RESTful Web Services' to 'JAX-RS: The JavaTM API for RESTful Web Services'.
(Note that I had commented about an objection of using the name)
Khanderao, CTO at GloMantra Inc Providing Online Personal Recommendations - Assistance via MyBantu.com
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Update on JSR 2007.04.05:
The title of the JSR was changed from 'JavaTM API for RESTful Web Services' to 'JAX-RS: The JavaTM API for RESTful Web Services'.
(Note that I had commented about an objection of using the name)
Khanderao, at 6:07 PM
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