JSR-313 for J2EE 6.0 received a setback (temporary)
A review ballot for JSR-313 was filed on April 3rd and was to be approved on April 16th. However, it was withdrawn on Friday the 13th!
From a sequence of events, I see interesting coincidences.
On April 10th, ASF sent an open letter to Sun over licensing issues related to J2SE 5.0. ASF has completed almost 95% compatible implementation and wanted to TCK license. However, the efforts failed to get mutually acceptable resolution. Hence, ASF went public with an open letter.
Though it is hard to establish the influence of the open letter on the fate of JSR-311. It might be more than a mere coincidence that ASF sent this open letter in the time window when this JSR was filled. More interesting coincidence is the comments concerning the licensing terms were expressed around the day when the letter went to a public. The letter created awareness and expressed the concerns of many others.
Anyway, since the next version on J2EE is an inevitable thing, I was told by the specifications leads that the JSR will be resubmitted after alienating the licensing concerns. J2EE6.0 would continue a Java's momentum to provide various SOA artifacts. This JSR specifically mentions that it would consider SCA artifacts. However did not mention JSR-235 or SDO. As you may know that JSR-235 was also withdrawn (by BEA and IBM) due to licensing issues. I understand that the SDO specification is also going to be resubmitted. I hope that it would also get added in this JSR.
The JSR proposes to include the following new JSRs:
* JSR-196 Java Authentication SPI for Containers
* JSR-236 Timer for Application Servers
* JSR-237 Work Manager for Application Servers
* JSR-299 Web Beans
* JSR-311 JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services
Other than these JSRs, there are some impacts on JAX-WS and JBI specifications too.
1. JSR-313 filing
2. Comments and votes on JSR-313
3. Open letter from ASF
Labels: J2EE6, JSR-235, JSR-311, JSR-313, REST, RESTful Webservices, SCA, SDO