Games (Asian) Indians Play
I recently read this book,"Games Indian Play". This book is not about Indian games like Kho-Kho, Kabbadi etc. But it is about "why do Indian behave how they behave". To be precise, the sub-title of the book is "">Why we are the way we are". The author, Raghunathan, as used his studies on "Game Theory and Behavioral Economics" to make sense of Indians behavior. Its a though provoking book which uses "Prisoners Dilemma", the famous problem from game theory, to eloborate how Indians are 'rational' but thier self-centered rationalism undermines their long term as well as community interests. His examples cover day to day scenarios covers almost everyone, individuals, politicians, or community by and large. At the end of the book, the author tried to propose crux of "Bhagwat Geeta" as a solution to behavior and explained it in the context of the game theory problem.